16th Apr 2015

Developing any sort of hotel is a lengthy process that involves a lot of time, expertise, and, of course, money. While the rewards are very attractive, the effort involved in getting there can be substantial. As a result, many hospitality … more

12th Mar 2015

Hotels are expensive.  Expensive to build, expensive to operate – in some cases, of course, expensive to stay in! For the developer and investors creating a hotel project, the costs of a hotel development are not always as predictable as … more

Developing a hotel project is something that typically takes years to go from mental thumbnail to ribbon-cutting.  In the middle is a laundry list of challenges and hurdles, ranging from regulatory or zoning barriers to supplier and vendor problems, labor … more

Resort planning and construction is a massive undertaking–unlike any other major hotel project.   Even long-term players in the hospitality construction game can become buried under the scope and detail required of resort construction, which often takes place in somewhat remote … more

Hotel development is a complicated endeavor for anyone.  It takes more than money and a dream to make a hotel appear on a vacant lot, or an old structure screaming for a re-purposing and a re-envisioning.  It takes expertise, experience, … more

17th Feb 2015

Developing a hotel is much more complicated than most people – even many investors – realize.  It’s not a matter of designing beautiful spaces and doing some basic analysis of the area to determine ideal capacity and amenities.  In fact, … more

15th Jan 2015

The need for multi-dwelling living arrangements across the U.S. has never been more apparent and as the demand for functional and luxury lodgings increase, so too the costs of development. Most any potential hotel development project, whether in its infancy … more

20th Oct 2014

One of the most exciting and rapidly expanding sectors of the hospitality industry in the modern era has been the Destination Club concept.  In this business, instead of a single-unit luxury hotel, the developer builds or acquires vacation homes in … more

Hotels are extremely complicated projects that require very detailed and efficient planning in order to be successful.  You cannot, in other words, simply decide a large building will now be a hotel.  As many people participating in the “sharing economy” … more

In today’s world, almost every potential hotel development project—particularly full-service hotels–can benefit from the advice and guidance of a hotel development consultant, because these projects combine the already-significant complexity of commercial real estate deals with the challenges of operating a … more